07 June 2005

I think I have ideas for 3 scripts going on in my head but I'm trying to squish them into two. Neil Gaiman is not helping.

Let me e'splain. The first book I read of his was Neverwhere. A good book but not one I was that terribly impressed with. It read like a script to me mostly in the way that it's very action-action-action without a whole lot of character development - something I require to feel satisfied when reading a story. (Someone told me I think that the BBC mini-series was done first and that indeed it was originally written as a script. I might be wrong, but it wouldn't be the first time.)

But now I'm reading American Gods. A book so full of character exposition and just all-around meta-ness that my head my explode from it. Why is this a problem? Well, for one it's intimidating. For another, it just puts too many ideas in my brain and makes it harder for me to distinguish between what belongs on a screen, and what belongs on a page. Scripts are something like a skeleton with a few meaty bits attached. It's a template an idea with witty dialogue. When I see an idea in my head, I see it from start to finish nearly all at once. Or if it's just a scene or a concept, I see all the layers in it. I don't know how to translate that into scriptwriting. It's so impersonal. I have to stop being a fan of my own ideas and treat them as tender instead.


Rambling, thy name is me.

06 June 2005

3 weeks

and counting. I spent less time on the internet last month and more time thinking about the ideas in my head.

Also, turns out that there was a glitch in paperwork regarding my admission to the "Indy film" class over the cinematography class. Looks like I may get that class afterall.

Took some really great photos and clips in SF last weekend. I cannot wait to get behind a better camera.